Sunday, December 20, 2009


Jesus loves me.
this i know.
but not just because
the bible tells me so.

love of my life
look deep in my eyes
there you will find what you need

give me your life
the lust and the lies
the past you're afraid i might see
you've been running away from me

you're my beloved lover
i'm yours
death shall not part us
it's you i died for
for better or worse
forever we'll be
my love it unites us
and it binds you to me
it's a mystery

love of my life
look deep in my eyes
there you will find what you need

i'm the giver of life
i'll clothe you in white
my immaculate bride you will be
come running home to me

you've been a mistress, my wife
chasing lovers that won't satisfy
won't you let me make you my bride
you will drink of my lips
and you'll taste new life

~beloved---> mike donehey
© 2008 songs of bug
from the album: over and underneath

he loves me.
me, with my crappy, sarcastic attitudes.
me, with my panicking nature.
me, with all failures that never fail to repeat themselves.
me, with my intentional disobedience.
me, with my addictions to this time, generation, and culture.
me, with my priorities out of order.
me, with my constant testing of grace.
me, with my self-centered and conceited nature.


me, i am loved.
by the King.
the Lord.
the Saviour.
the Redeemer.
the Creator.
the King.

i don't deserve it.
i didn't do anything, ever, to deserve it.
i won't do anything, ever, to deserve it.
i can't.
but still, ever so calmly,
that still, small voice
calls to me, forgiving me.
of my constant mistakes.
you gave the ultimate gift,


and i'm your beloved?
yes, i run to lovers that don't satisfy.
you want me to come running home to you.
forgive me when i don't.
i'll drink of your lips.
and taste new life.

God, he reigns.

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